Edge 1 / Heart 2 / Iron 2 / Shadow 1 / Wits 3
- Skirmisher When you Face Danger by holding a foe at bay using your spear’s reach…
- Alchemist When you create an elixir…
- Fortune Hunter When you Swear an Iron Vow to someone under the promise of payment…
- Jasper, a sage and alchemist in the City-state of Adamas
- The regulars of the Flash and Scroll Tavern in Muntberg
- Unravel the mysteries of Dwimmermount (epic)
- Find The Exarchate of Theana for Jasper (dangerous, paid)
- Discover the truth behind a rumor: anyone who dies within the walls of Dwimmermount can never be restored to life by any means (formiddable)